Energy saving
Law No. 296 of 27
December 2006, with the aim of achieving an energy saving, has planned a
series of tax benefits, encouraging use of alternative sources of energy
or the implementation of measures allowing for a greater fuel
Taxpayers who, between the 10th of January 2007 to 31 December 2007, support costs to obtain an energy saving on existing buildings, are entitled to a tax deduction equal to 55% of the costs incurred and documented, actually remained in charge.
Interventions object of facilitation are:
Improvements of existing buildings, which comply with certain technical requirements of energy saving. The maximum deduction in the three years is set at EUR 100.000.
Maintenance on existing buildings, portions of existing buildings or real estate units. The maximum deduction in the three years is set at EUR 60.000.
Installation of solar panels for the production of hot water for industrial and domestic use or for the hot water in swimming pools, sports facilities, care homes, schools and universities.